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Miles Hoover


Hello, I'm Miles. I currently work in the retail technology sector as an application analyst and aspire to one day become a DevOps engineer. This website serves as my personal portfolio and blog about topics such as tech, culture, and modern life. I also have a plethora of other interests outside of tech such as fashion, reading, running, and the outdoors.

All views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on this site belong to me and do not reflect my previous or current employers.

Things I Use

Tools: Python, PostgreSQL, Linux, GitHub Actions, Terraform, Git

Concepts: Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment, End-to-End Testing, Monitoring, OSI Model, DNS, DHCP

Services: AWS - S3, Route 53, CloudFront, IAM, API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, EC2, ELB

Check out my GitHub here!

Site Technology

This website was built using the web framework Astro paired with the Astro Cactus theme.

Outside of being hosted on Netlify, this site does not include any additional analytics.